Sunday, 4 January 2009

Exam Question 1 - Nintendo DS - Game Advert

Nintendo DS

In this essay I will discuss the key issues in the moving image advertisement of a Nintendo DS game, this text encourages healthy eating, which is something beneficial.

The Nintendo DS advert conveys a different message about women. From the three women dressed in leisure wear this shows that women are “good girls” as there body is not being revealed. Also from the question “What shall we have tonight girls” shows that they are independent women who just need each other and are not associated with men to have a good time and enjoy thier life. This shows how women have changed since the 19th century over time and may not need men, but the voice coming for this advert, is a deep mans voice which shows even though women have become independent over time, they still have a man controlling them. Moreover even if they don’t want to have a man controlling them in society there is still the concept of the “glass ceiling” where by women are finding it difficult to rise above where they are in society.

The advert is aime at women as only having three females creates the audience to also be female. The audience for this advert is a mass audience as Nintendo has made several other game consoles, so people are familiar with this particualr name brand. The lifestyles of this particular audience of female may be that they like to cook and are responsible for themselves.

Also the key theory of Marxism is incorporated here where by the women are not only dressed to look nice but also so they belong in the middle class society. Therefore the game will be purchased by the middle class as the advert is relating to them. The concept of Marxism works here as the game is aimed at the middle class and only middle classed women are to be seen in the advert which is maintaining the social divide
The ideologies that are being conveyed are implicit as we can see that the three women in this advert are independent and lead dominant lives. But even though women are being shown as strong and leading their own lives without men, they are still stereotyped to belong in the kitchen and again having to depend on men from the male voiceover.
Nintendo is a wide institution and wants its consoles to sell at the highest ratings. To do so they have produced another physically active encouraging game console. Therefore Nintendo maybe trying to tackle the issue of childhood obesity by making physically active game consoles.

Overall this advert portrays women as“good girl”. Also this advert influendes children in a good way. Nintendo has created a new game console with a new game aswell. Nintendo has advertised thier console and game in a diffrent way to reach their intended audience and make themselves hit a higher rating with what they have produced.

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