Sunday, 4 January 2009

Exam Notess

Shake and Vac Advert

The three concepts I will discuss that relate to the Shake and Vac advert are, media language, representation, audience, and ideology.

Media language is about the techniques used such as, mise en scene, sound and editing. The mise en scene is in a typical nuclear family house with a woman in it, she is wearing a blouse shirt and apron, and her expressions are very lively and vibrant, this could be to make the Shake and Vac product more interesting and easy to sell.

Representation is about who or what is being represented in a text. In this advert a middle aged women is advertising a product, this show that stereotypes assume that housewives are suppose to know all about household products.

The audience are, the people that consume the text, in this advert this would be a woman around the age of 20-40 years who enjoy housework and are house proud, the expectations this advert gives out to its audience is that that will have a clean house like the one that they see in the advertisement.

Ideology is seen to be what the belief system is in the text, in this advert it is seen to be the patriarchy which is where, the man has control over the woman.

Other key concepts are narrative and genre. Genre is where the type of text, this text was an advertisement. The narrative in this text was for 30seconds the storyline, is equilibrium then disequilibrium, and finally new equilibrium. The storyline show a tidy house, which then goes messy, and then with use of the product goes clean again.

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